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15 June  - 2024 - 30 to 60 minutes session...
Time zones - 21:00 pm CH; 20:00 pm PT, UK, MZ
19:00 pm Sénégal, STP; 18:00 pm Cape Vert; 16:00 pm Brazil...


PT - Honorary Consul Edna Lopes

Uni Think Tanker resident guest

Honorary Consul of Cape Verde in Milan.


Representative of the Afrodescendant Group in Italy.

Online Imigration Consultant, specialized in Rights to Citizenship.

Appointed Human Rights Ambassador in 2024 by the Italian Organization for Human Rights and Tolerance.

Trainer for the Assistance of Emigrants for professionals, lawyers and consultants.

Activist for women's rights.

(Cape Verde - Italy)

PT - Professor Maria Clara Alves

Founder and CEO - Uni Think Tank Moderator 

Representative of the Afrodescendant Group in Switzerland. 


Romance no outono

Warm Up &/Or Hot Shot Discussion - this time in Portuguese

To bring a more complex layer to the discussion and help inspire critical thinking. To kick off the discussion with connecting questions between two pairs.

Apporter une dimension plus complexe à la discussion et favoriser la réflexion critique. Lancer la discussion en posant des questions de connexion entre deux paires.

Introduzir uma discussão mais complexa no debate e ajudar a inspirar o pensamento crítico. Iniciar o debate com perguntas de ligação entre dois pensadores.

Discussion topic

Problematics: Is European citizenship a possible solution to prevent uncontrolled mass e(i)mmigration, illegal crime and human trafficking? 

Problématique: La citoyenneté européenne est-elle une solution possible pour prévenir l'é(i)migration massive incontrôlée, la criminalité illégale et la traite des êtres humains ? 

Problemática: Será a cidadania europeia uma solução possível para evitar a e(i)migração em massa descontrolada, a criminalidade - ilegalidade e o tráfico de seres humanos? 


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Any value is welcome.Thank you! Peace!

Soutenez-nous et contribuez à cette cause, afin que nous puissions aider les étudiants et les chercheurs.

Toute valeur est la bienvenue. Paix !

Dêem-nos algum apoio e contribuição para esta causa, para que possamos ajudar os estudantes e investigadores.

Qualquer valor é bem-vindo. Obrigado! Paz!

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