May 19 - 2024 - 30 to 60 minutes session...
Time zones - 21:00 pm CH; 20:00 pm PT, UK, MZ
19:00 pm Sénégal, STP; 18:00 pm Cape Vert; 16:00 pm Brazil...

FR - Professeur Hicheme Lehmici
Uni Think Tanker resident guest
International Strategy Analyst - Secretary of the GIPRI - Geneva International Peace Research Institute.
Expert in European Project Management and Intercultural Management, Political Science and International Relations.
Expert consultant - Trainer of elected representatives.
L'Académie des Leaders Publics - Freelance.
Cross-border Governance Consultant.
FEDRE, Foundation for the Economy and Sustainable Development of European Regions - Freelance.
Doctoral researcher - Press and radio reporter.
Project Manager for Renewable Energies, Green Hydrogen and derivatives (MENA Region).
(Algeria - France)

FR - Professeur Maria Clara Alves
Founder and CEO - Uni Think Tank Moderator
Representative of the Afrodescendant Group in Switzerland.

Warm Up &/Or Hot Shot Discussion - this time in French
To bring a more complex layer to the discussion and help inspire critical thinking. To kick off the discussion with connecting questions between two pairs.
Apporter une dimension plus complexe à la discussion et favoriser la réflexion critique. Lancer la discussion en posant des questions de connexion entre deux paires.
Introduzir uma discussão mais complexa no debate e ajudar a inspirar o pensamento crítico. Iniciar o debate com perguntas de ligação entre dois pensadores.
Discussion topic
Problematics: Why are "coups d'État" currently taking place on the African continent and what are the prospects for the future (neutral geopolitical insight(s))?
Problématique: Pourquoi des coups d'État ont-ils lieu actuellement sur le continent africain et quelles sont les perspectives d'avenir (point de vue géopolitique neutre)?
Problemática: Porque ocorrem atualmente Golpes de Estado no continente africano e quais são as perspectivas para o futuro (visão(ões) geopolítica(s) neutras)?
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Any value is welcome.Thank you! Peace!
Soutenez-nous et contribuez à cette cause, afin que nous puissions aider les étudiants et les chercheurs.
Toute valeur est la bienvenue. Paix !
Dêem-nos algum apoio e contribuição para esta causa, para que possamos ajudar os estudantes e investigadores.
Qualquer valor é bem-vindo. Obrigado! Paz!
