Our Faculty - Pedagogical Team Council

Professor of Management, Marketing, HR, Business Strategy & Coaching, Leadership, European Project for Bachelor and Master Degrees in CH and STP, Professor of Leadership and Coaching at HES Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences in Lausanne, occasional Lecturer in Singapore for Online NEXT MBA.. Professor of Portuguese and Classic Humanities. Top Pedagogical Designer. Specialist in Education of Trainers and Teachers. Afrique - PT - FR - CH - Global
Attorney, Legal advisor and Press Top Council Advisor to the Government of STP and Lecturer in Law, Human Rights and Politics.
President of the Human Rights Platform in STP. Former President of the Bar Association in STP. Politician.
Afrique - PT
PNSTP National Police Deputy Superintendent - National Police of Sao Tome and Principe, Lecturer in Cybersecurity and Criminal Sciences.
Specialist in Cyber State Crime for Africa. Activist for Human and Women's Rights in STP - Afrique - PT

PhD and Lecturer in Afghanistan, Algeria, Congo, Ivory Coast, Niger, Syria, Switzerland, France, ...
Journalist: Pax Press Agency
Journalist: Sputnik
French Ministry of Justice (2008-2010)
French Embassy in Moldova (2009)
UN High Commissioner for Refugees (2006)
Lecturer Political Analysis, Conflicts and Natural Resources, History of Diplomacy International Relations I & Il, Online Program on Business Diplomacy, Supervision of Theses
Research Methods, Geopolitical Analysis; Contemporary Armed Conflicts, Political Analyst and co-head of the Geneva International Peace Research Institute - GIPRI. FR - CH - Global
Electronic and Telecommunications Engineer and Lecturer, CCNA Cisco, Voip, Wireless for United Nations in STP, Expert IT Networks, Cybersecurity, Governance. Technical Administrator of INIC - Institute of Innovation and Knowledge of STP. Data Science. Afrique - PT
Director of National Firefighters School in Portugal, Vice-President of the Portuguese Firefighters League - LBP, Lecturer at ISLA - Higher Institute of Management and Administration, Lecturer at Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre - Higher School of Health, Senior Fire Fighting Technician in Buildings at the Chamber Municipality of Obidos, Deputy of National Operations of the National Civil Protection Authority - National Command of Relief Operations, Deputy of Operations and Planning of FEB ANPC - National Civil Protection Authority. HST. Afrique - PT - Global

General Director of Tourism and Hospitality in STP, Lecturer of French, Tourism and Management at USTP University - Afrique - PT - FR - Global
General Administrator of USTP and the Polytechnic Institute of STP and FCT, Lecturer of Business Sciences, Accounting, Taxation, Account Audit Consulting - Afrique - PT

Responsible for Auditing STP Afriland Bank, Master in Auditing, Risk Management, Management Control, Finance, Banking, Insurance and Tourism - Afrique - PT -FR - CH - Global
Lecturer of Management in Hospitality, Tourism, Business Strategy and Associations, Informatics, Software and Hardware - Afrique - PT - FR - CH - Global
Journalist and Lecturer of Communication, Professional Ethics, Media, Relational and Referral Marketing ... Advisor Member Representative of the São Tomé and Principe Community at the Portuguese Migration Council in PT. Human Rights Activist - Afrique - PT

Researcher at CIAT - Center for Agricultural and Technological Research. Professor at the University of São Tomé and Principe, PhD in Biosystems Engineering at the University of León. Lecturer in Ecology, Ecological Transition, Biodiversity and Sustainability. Afrique - PT
Teacher of Business English, Management and Marketing. Coordinator of Tourism and Hospitality in 2011, Professor of Economics at FCT - USTP. Sign Language, German Teacher (level 1) Afrique - PT

Director of the Coco Coco Agency of Afriland First Bank STP, Account Manager and Credit Analyst, Professor of General and Analytical Accounting, Investments and Financing, Quality Audit, HR Management, Internal Audit, Treasury, Taxation, Mathematics and Financial Analysis, Finance, Management Control and Banking... Afrique - PT - FR - CH - Global
Lawyer, Researcher at the Cyberspace Legal Research Center at the Faculty of Law at the University of Lisbon (CIJIC - FDUL). Professor of EU Public and Administrative Law, GDPR, Public Contracting, Litigation, Constitutional Law, Foreigners' Rights, Immigration, Digital Services Rights and Data Protection. Afrique - PT
Lecturer of Accounting and Financial Management, Senior Management at BGFI Bank, Ecobank STP financial Assistant, Specialist in Accounting, Account Control and Auditing, Banking and Insurance, Purchasing and Logistics. Bachelor's degree in Financial Management and Master's degree in Finance in Taiwan. Administrative Assistant at the Taiwanese Medical Mission. Afrique - PT

Forest Engineer, Master in Management, and Management of Forests and Tropical Territories, Master in Environmental Education, Senior Technician at the Directorate of Forests and Biodiversity, Coordinator in the preparation and dissemination of the National Forest and Landscape Restoration Plan of São Tomé and Príncipe, member of the National Climate Change Committee and the National Coordination of COMIFAC of São Tomé and Príncipe. Afrique - PT - FR

MACHADO VALE Diogo - Portugal
2D and 3D Design and Innovation
Composite Manufacturing Quality Assurance Engineer
- Monitoring and documenting filament winding manufacturing of large-scale structures (buoy) for production and certification with DNV
Project Manager - Development of solutions in advanced composite materials
Processes and Product Engineer/R&D - Department of Materials and Composite Structures
Research and Development - Polymeric materials for high impact applications.
University of Minho - School of Engineering, Portugal - Master's Degree in Polymer Engineering
Field of Interest: Composites, Material
Characterization, Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement. Afrique - PT - Global

SOHOUNDE Samson Frédéric Houénoumadji
Enseignant à l'Institut de Management 2IM et à l’ESEM Afrique en Leadership et Entreprenariat, Communication Publicitaire, Communication des Entreprises, Expression orale et écrite, Journalisme.
Enseignant en Communication à HEC Business School.
Consultant en communication au GOREE INSTITUTE.
Coordinateur des Programmes à la WADR, la WEST - West Africa Democracy Radio,
Journaliste/ Reporter à OUEST TV (Reportages, collectes des données, rédaction du reportage, pose de voix ou commentaire, montage du reportage et diffusion. Participation active du magazine WARI qui est diffusé sur TV5 Afrique les jeudis à 19h, heures de Dakar). Afrique - FR - CH - Global

LEHMICI Hicheme - France - Suisse - Algérie
International Strategy Analyst - Secretary of the GIPRI - Geneva International Peace Research Institute.
Expert in European Project Management and Intercultural Management, Political Science and International Relations.
Expert consultant - Trainer of elected representatives.
L'Académie des Leaders Publics - Freelance.
Cross-border Governance Consultant.
FEDRE, Foundation for the Economy and Sustainable Development of European Regions - Freelance.
Doctoral researcher - Press and radio reporter.
Project Manager for Renewable Energies, Green Hydrogen and derivatives (MENA Region).
(Algeria - Suisse - France - Pays Arabes)

BANDEIRA TAVARES, Jomarge - São Tomé
Master degree in Forensic Sciences, University of Porto - Portugal, specializing in forensic psychiatry and psychology.
Bachelor in Police Science from the Academy of Police Sciences in Mozambique, specializing in Criminal Science.
Inspector of the Judicial Police of São Tomé and Príncipe.
Training in the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse.
IBS Professor of Cybersecurity - IT - Concepts initiatives to prevent cybercrime

SEABRA, Joy - São Tomé and Portugal
Santomense and Portuguese.
Licence degree in European Studies, Lusophone Studies and International Relations from the Lusophone University of Porto, and a Master's degree in African Studies from the University of Porto.
Lecturer at the University of São Tomé and Príncipe.
IBS Lecturer of Geopolitics and International Relations Diplomacy and History of the 20th century.

PEPE FRANCISCO Cristina - Portugal - Suisse
Trainer in Hospitality and Tourism, Catering and Floral Arrangement Decorator, Operations, Event Organization, Trainer with Experience in Practical Adult Training. Entrepreneur in the Restaurant Sector in Switzerland. Afrique - PT - CH